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I had a private lesson to help a client decoupage furniture. Penny called me wanting to Refunk a garage sale find into an activity table for her grandkids. Her plans where to decoupage wrapping paper on the top of the table but was nervous to try the technique on her own. So she came over and I was able to walk her through the process. When she walked in I said “Surprise! I need to blog about this and whether you like it or not, you will be featured on my blog!” Thankfully, she was a great sport about it! Here is how to decoupage furniture with Mod Podge.

Here are the supplies you will need:

Mod Podge

Wrapping Paper

{I prefer wrapping paper to scrapbook paper because you don’t have the hassle of lining of the pattern of the paper. But you can use wallpaper, wrapping paper, scrapbook paper, and even fabric!}

A few paint brushes

A foam roller

To seal the top of the table we used Aqua Clear Top Coat but you can also use a Polyurethane. Just remember that Poly will yellow so if your paper is white stick to Aqua Clear’s non-yellowing formula.

Download Fb Album Mod How To Use

A fine grit sanding block.

UPDATE: I no longer sell CeCe Caldwell’s because they changed their formula and felt it was no longer user friendly or a quality product I could offer my clients. After searching high and low and trying every. single. paint. on the market I chose to partner with Heirloom Traditions Paints – because I think it is awesome and I think you will too!

Penny had already painted the bottom of the table so the top was just needing some decoupage love.

Download Fb Album Mod How To Use

We cut the wrapping paper so it was about 1 inch larger than the tabletop and hung over the edges.

This is all the hanging over the edginess that you need.

We poured the Mod Podge into cup because our brush didn’t fit into the Mod Podge container.

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Then you brush a thickish layer of Mod Podge on the top of the table.

And then brush a layer of Mod Podge on the bottom of the wrapping paper.

Place your wrapping paper on the top of your table and smooth out with the foam roller. Some people use a credit card to smooth out the paper but it tends to rip the fragile paper when it is damp with Mod Podge. A foam roller is easier to work with.

We just kept smoothing and smoothing, occasionally using our finger to smooth out stubborn wrinkles in the paper.

After letting the paper dry for 30 minutes we applied a topcoat of Mod Podge to the paper and let that dry for 30 minutes. Then using the fine grit sanding block we sanded the edge of the table. This separates the paper from the table and creates a perfect edge.

We sanded the edge of the entire table.

Look at this edge of perfection!

We sealed the top with 2 more coats of Mod Podge and then a coat of CeCe Caldwell’s Satin Finish. She was sure her grandbaby’s would put this table to the test and we wanted to make sure it was extra durable.

Now she has a custom activity table her family will enjoy for years to come!

My little one even put the table to the test. He made himself at home and I think he was sad it wasn’t for him! Sorry buddy!

How do you decoupage your furniture? If you have any tips leave a comment! We would love to hear ‘em!

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PS: If you LOVE furniture painting Tips our eBook, The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Furniture Painting, is a MUST in any DIYers toolbox! Grab your copy HERE!

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Want to learn the tricks of the trade to flipping furniture for a profit? Grab my free guide The Furniture Flippers Handbook HERE.