On Becoming Babywise Pdf Download

You’re at least four months into your tour of parenting, and the complexities of child training are starting to multiply. While your baby is growing physically, his mind is adapting with ever-increasing awareness to new sights, sounds, sensations and relationships. He can now interact with his material universe with greater attentiveness. Watch out: big changes are coming to his world and yours!

Preserving the order and structure that brought security to your baby’s day, peaceful sleep in your baby’s nights and stability in your home is still the priority, but now it must be viewed through a new developmental lens. For example, feeding time is more than a biological response initiated by a baby’s sucking reflex. For the five-month-old, meal times become a complex and conscious interaction between him and his parents, food and drink, preference and need, likes and dislikes, must dos and won’t dos!

On Becoming Baby Wise.pdf Free Download Here ON BECOMING BABYWISE Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam, M.D.

This is also when waketime behaviors and responses start to fall into the categories of safe or unsafe and right or wrong, and will either be encouraged or discouraged by Mom and Dad’s reactions. Training to encourage right behavior and discourage wrong behavior will become the focus of Mom and Dad’s attention over the next seven months. All those feeding, waking and sleeping times provide numerous built-in opportunities for displaying parental wisdom, guidance and patience. Babywise II is here to help you in this crucial time.

  • ON BECOMING BABYWISE Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam, M.D. EXCERTPS FROM CHAPTER TWO: FEEDING PHILOSOPHIES Defining the Terms Prior to this century, common sense, not theoretical concepts, was most critical in raising children.
  • Printable Downloads Here at Babywise, we strive to provide practical support for all your parenting needs. To download our printable PDF files, you must be signed.

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On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep
Author: Visit Amazon's Gary Ezzo Page | Language: English | ISBN: 1932740139 | Format: PDF

On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep Description

Amazon.com Review

Theologian Gary Ezzo and pediatrician Dr. Robert Bucknam set off cries of alarm in their highly controversial 1995 publication On Becoming Baby Wise by arguing that some crying is natural and healthy for babies. In this updated edition, Ezzo and Bucknam present a comprehensive method to encourage a full night's sleep for the seven- to nine-week-old baby. It's easy to read, easy to follow, supported by research and by testimonials from parents and pediatricians, and includes suggestions for making the process fit into the reader's lifestyle. The authors believe a consistent sleep routine leads to happier, more responsible, and better-adjusted children. But a full night's sleep is just the short-term goal. The long-term goal is training parents to bring order and stability to their families through nurturing the marriage, providing a loving structure for one's children, and allowing flexibility in the process.

Twelve chapters cover feeding philosophies, monitoring baby's growth, establishing baby's routine, handling multiple births, and the ever-controversial chapter on when baby cries. The 52-week method involves four phases, beginning with 'Stabilization' from birth to week 8. During weeks 9 through 15 ('Extended Night'), babies learn to sleep through the night. Ezzo and Bucknam attempt to teach the difference between a baby's many cries and advise parents on various responses to these cries. Critics dislike Ezzo's strong belief that 'child-centered parenting' (feeding baby whenever it cries, sleeping with and 'wearing' baby) fosters demanding, insecure toddlers. But for parents who are tired of being tired--or whose previous experience with child-centered parenting supports Ezzo's theory--it may be worth a read. --Liane Thomas --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


“From a pediatrician’s perspective, this is a sigh of welcome relief for sleepless, weary parents.”
—David Blank, M.D., Longmont, CO
“Since being introduced to the principles of Babywise, I have been convinced of its effectiveness in establishing sleep patterns and in decreasing the frequency of problems associated with infant feeding.”
—Craig Lloyd, M.D., Brisbane, Australia
“Babywise provides sound parenting advice and common-sense pediatric care to many parents who are confused, frustrated and downright sleep deprived.”
—David Miller, M.D., Superior, CO
--This text refers to the
Audio CD
See all Editorial Reviews
  • Series: On Becoming...
  • Paperback: 279 pages
  • Publisher: Parent-Wise Solutions, Inc.; Rev Upd edition (February 1, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1932740139
  • ISBN-13: 978-1932740134
  • Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.2 x 0.9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
I am not interested in Ezzo- or GFI-bashing here in this review.
As a mom of three infant boys, each a little over a year apart with one more on the way, I see nothing wrong with the gist of the Babywise book. The principles for eating and sleeping work rather well if you employ them with some grace and flexibility as tiny ones require. Contrary to what you may have heard, the Ezzo's do not suggest tossing your tenderness, intuition, or creative parenting out the window--they provide some basic eating/sleeping instructions very similar to those sent home with Mom a generation ago from Dr. Spock, the pediatrician, or the hospital nurse (but not highly common nowadays due to the AAP's shift in philosophy). Such advice will not harm your baby unless you employ their methods religiously as if it is the 'magic formula' to enjoying newborns. There exists no such formula--not in Ezzo, and not in the Sears or child-centered camp either.
Briefly, the basic principles covered include:
1. Feeding approx every three hours
2. Trying to keep your baby awake during feedings and a little afterwards.
3. Putting your baby down to sleep before the next feeding
4. Keeping your baby on a eat-wake-sleep routine to help their hunger stabilize for faster nighttime sleeping.
5. Trying not to allow babies to become overdependent for sleep on any one prop (rocking, swings, slings, pacifiers, car rides, etc).
6. Generally helping the baby's needs to fit into you and your family's routine, rather than arranging you and your family's needs completely around the baby's routine (or having none at all).
I maintain that these principles, while presented a little briskly, are not damaging to infants.
I would like to respond to the reviewers that suggest those of us who disliked babywise didn't read it, or didn't apply its principles properly. I read, re-read and highlighted the book after a friend of mine recommended it. And for a solid month I faithfully attempted to place my newborn on the babywise schedule, but it just did not work for my son. For example, my son often awoke earlier from his nap than the schedule would allow. Sometimes he would wake crying, sometimes happy. If he was crying, I would allow him to cry because the book suggests if your baby awakes crying he did not get enough sleep. But, he never fell back asleep. So then I would feed him only to find he was starving. But how was I to know he was hungry...babwise never once discusses reading your baby's cues, only 'mom, not baby, decides when nap begins, and mom, not baby, decides when nap ends.' If he woke happy, then I really was in a bind. He would play awake in his crib (even if I didn't go to him) so now he was having activity before eating (a babywise no-no). But if I fed him, he would be fed before 2 ? hours (another babywise no-no). I tried putting him to bed for naps earlier, because the book states that if your child awakes early he probably was overtired and needed less activity, but my son would still awake after 45-60 minutes. I was constantly stressed out.
After one month on babywise, my son was still not back to his birth weight. I quit using the system and my son started rapidly gaining weight. We both became happier. I can't say I disagree with the overall concepts of the book...
Becoming babywise book

On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep Preview

Babywise Audiobook


On Becoming Babywise Schedule

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