Muzzle Flash Footage Free Download

Click to Download HD MOV Click to Download HD MP4 HD & 4K Free Muzzle Flash VFX, 4K Machine Gun, Assault Rifle, Pistol Flash, Hand Gun Side, Multi-Point and Auto, Single Shot & Handguns make it awesome.


Hello everyone! Today I'm going to be doing an overview of the new HD Muzzle Flash 20 Pack This is a pack of 20 pre-keyed and full HD muzzle flashes that will you give you some variety from say Action Essentials or any other muzzle flash kit It's just extra elements to help give you some variation So they come in this .ZIP file here, so I'm going to go ahead and extract those into a folder so we can use them And it's a pretty quick process because all these are pre-keyed, but they are all very small file sizes They're each about 11 MB or so So we can see we have 5 muzzle flash fronts 5 muzzle flash sides 5 star front flashes and 5 star flash sides Over in my favourite non-linear editor, After Effects, I'm going to be adding one into this scene, which is actually really simple to do So I have some flashes over here to choose from What I want in this scene is to have this gun here misfire.

Or since he's being kicked, I want it to go off like he had his finger on his trigger or wasn't expecting it So we'll find a place where we can do it Let's do like right here Actually we can go with the pistol if we want And have that fire off We're going to go ahead and look at our flashes here. Do we need a front flash? No this is a side shot We need to use one of these side ones. We have this that's more of a machine gun one. This one could work So drag that in. Start it right there One problem we run into is this framerate difference This footage is 30fps, so it's weird The pre-keyed elements are 24fps, so filmic Just to fix this, this is on for 2 frames rather than one, we'll just cut off the first frame and move it back Now we want to line up our guy here I want to apply this flip and flop because i need to reverse this I guess.


Muzzle Flash Effects

.. there you go All this for nothing That's just so I can line it up better here I'm going to rotate this a little bit here. Basically just line it up with the muzzle more or less Let's go ahead and take a quick look at that So, we have the gun kind of mis-firing A couple things we can do to integrate this better is turn it to screen or something Also realise this footage is already colour corrected Another thing we can do, although there's already one applied to these, we can apply a radial blur We'll select zoom, and the centre be over here If you want just an extra touch you can add to it Kind of a choice, whatever I'm going to do a quick few things that are pretty general when doing muzzle flashes Alright, so I've added not only a gun sound, but also some environmental lighting of about where the flash would hit I think we have a pretty good scene going for us So that's basically it Basically these are great because they allow you to drag and drop on top They're easily modifyable to other framerates There is smoke built into them There are front and sides These ones are more for machine guns here, which is alright These are more for M4 machine guns specifically But you can get away with using them for just about anything However, most of the muzzle flashes are easily usable for both machine guns and pistols I hope you guys enjoyed this product tour, go check them out If you like them, DOWNLOAD them Thanks for watching this video and we'll see you next time.

I see way too many badly done muzzle flash effects on YouTube to not want to do this basic Visual Effects 101 tutorial.
It is really not hard to add a few layers onto your scene to create great looking gun fire. And this video will show you how

How to Make Realistic Looking Gun Fire (Muzzle Flash) Effects - Visual Effects 101

Compositing the layers for a realistic muzzle flash

To create this effect, you will have to composite a number of layers. Of course, these are not hard set rules so experiment if something doesn't seem to fit right - to me, that is always the most fun part anyways

The first thing I add is the actual muzzle flash effect. I really love the Action Esssentials 2 package from VideoCopilot and for $99 for the 720p version, I highly recommend it. It's filled with pre keyed stock footage and I use it almost daily. However, you can also find free action stock footage just by searching on google
Here's a useful link to
free stock footage from detonation films

Muzzle Flash Footage Free Download For Windows


Anyways, take and position a muzzle flash element on top of your base footage.

Next, add another solid colour layer to simulate the light emitting from the muzzle flash. Set it to a colour that is very similar to the muzzle flash and change the blend mode to additive. I usually set the opacity to around 20.Just putting a solid layer over everything does look pretty crappy. If there was a real muzzle flash in the scene, only the elements facing the front of the gun would be lit. We can simulate this by applying some masks and cutting out only the areas that would directly be hit by the light.Once you're done, your shot should look something like this:It's not bad, but I personally find that using a simple overlay layer to simulate the muzzle flash light sits very unnaturally on top of our footage rather than in the scene

Muzzle Flash Footage Free Download Windows 7

. We can make this look a lot more natural with a technique I described in my After Effects – Natural Lighting VFX Using Mattes

Muzzle Flash Footage Free Download For Pc

tutorial: by creating a matte layer.